Marius Schulz
Marius Schulz
Front End Engineer

TypeScript Evolution

The TypeScript Evolution series consists of 45 posts:

  1. Non-Nullable Types in TypeScript
  2. Control Flow Based Type Analysis in TypeScript
  3. Acquiring Type Declaration Files in TypeScript
  4. Read-Only Properties in TypeScript
  5. Tagged Union Types in TypeScript
  6. More Literal Types in TypeScript
  7. The never Type in TypeScript
  8. Built-In Type Declarations in TypeScript
  9. Compiling async/await to ES3/ES5 in TypeScript
  10. External Helpers Library in TypeScript
  11. Object Rest and Spread in TypeScript
  12. keyof and Lookup Types in TypeScript
  13. Mapped Types in TypeScript
  14. Improved Inference for Literal Types in TypeScript
  15. Literal Type Widening in TypeScript
  16. Untyped Imports in TypeScript
  17. The object Type in TypeScript
  18. Dotted Properties and String Index Signatures in TypeScript
  19. Null-Checking for Expression Operands in TypeScript
  20. Mixin Classes in TypeScript
  21. Generic Parameter Defaults in TypeScript
  22. The --strict Compiler Option in TypeScript
  23. Type-Checking JavaScript Files with --checkJs in TypeScript
  24. Downlevel Iteration for ES3/ES5 in TypeScript
  25. String Enums in TypeScript
  26. Weak Type Detection in TypeScript
  27. Spelling Correction in TypeScript
  28. Dynamic import() Expressions in TypeScript
  29. Optional catch Binding in TypeScript
  30. JSX Fragment Syntax in TypeScript
  31. Numeric Separators in TypeScript
  32. Strict Property Initialization in TypeScript
  33. Per-File JSX Factories in TypeScript
  34. Conditional Types in TypeScript
  35. Mapped Type Modifiers in TypeScript
  36. Passing Generics to JSX Elements in TypeScript
  37. Importing JSON Modules in TypeScript
  38. The unknown Type in TypeScript
  39. The --showConfig Compiler Option in TypeScript
  40. Read-Only Array and Tuple Types in TypeScript
  41. Const Assertions in Literal Expressions in TypeScript
  42. The Omit Helper Type in TypeScript
  43. Nullish Coalescing: The ?? Operator in TypeScript
  44. Optional Chaining: The ?. Operator in TypeScript
  45. Assertion Functions in TypeScript