Marius Schulz
Marius Schulz
Front End Engineer

Detecting Unminifiable Angular Code

When you write Angular components such as controllers, services, or directives, you can specify all dependencies your component needs to do its job. Angular's injector will then resolve those dependencies and make them accessible within your component.

The simplest way to declare dependencies is to name the arguments of your component's factory method or constructor function exactly like the required components:

angular.module("someModule").factory("someService", function ($http, $q) {
  // ...

There's one issue with this approach: Because the dependency injector resolves the dependencies based on the argument names, the resolution doesn't work with minified code. In that case, parameters are generally shortened to single-letter variables, thereby making it impossible to use their names for dependency resolution.

Angular offers a solution to that problem. If you specify the dependency names explicitly as strings rather than relying on precisely matching argument names, your components become minification-safe. You just have to make sure the order of the provided strings matches the order of parameters to the factory method or constructor function:

angular.module("someModule").factory("someService", [
  function ($http, $q) {
    // ...

Instead of using the above inline array annotation syntax, you can also annotate the function with the $inject property, which is a simple string array of dependency names. This is the syntax I prefer to use:

angular.module("someModule").factory("someService", someService);

someService.$inject = ["$http", "$q"];

function someService($http, $q) {
  // ...

Either way, the code can now be minified without issues. The problem with both approaches, though, is that you only notice that your code is broken once you actually minify it, execute it, and run into the dependency resolution error. It would be better if the code failed fast and failed early.

As it just so happens, you can use the ng-strict-di attribute to make Angular behave exactly like that. This attribute is applied on the app element itself:

<html ng-app="someModule" ng-strict-di>
  <!-- ... -->

Quoting from the Angular documentation, here's what it does:

If this attribute is present on the app element, the injector will be created in "strict-di" mode. This means that the application will fail to invoke functions which do not use explicit function annotation (and are thus unsuitable for minification), as described in the Dependency Injection guide, and useful debugging info will assist in tracking down the root of these bugs.

Using strict dependency injection allows you to detect that an Angular component is unsuitable for minification without minifying your code and trying it out. You should add ng-strict-di to your app element if you haven't done so already!